I've noticed over time that we conservatives on Twitter have accumulated lots and lots of hashtags. I'm assuming a lot of my readers already know what hashtags are, but in case anyone from Rio Linda happens to be reading this, I'll give you a quick rundown. ;)
On Twitter, you may see certain phrases like #balloonboy #phillies, etc. If you click on #phillies, or type it in Twitter search, you'll be shown everyone on Twitter who mentioned the #phillies. It basically serves to organize different tweets, and it makes them easier to find in Twitter search. It also means that if YOU use the #phillies hashtag in your tweet, anyone searching under that hashtag will see your message.
Now, I've compiled a list of conservative hashtags that are used on Twitter, along with their definitions. I'll even show you which hashtags get the most use. Once you're done reading, please feel free to pass this along to any conservatives you know who want to get more involved on Twitter!
#tcot : stands for Top Conservatives on Twitter.
Very Heavy Usage
#icon : stands for Independent Conservatives (my personal favorite). This one unfortunately, is also used by a number of non-conservatives for a variety of purposes. You'll still see if sometimes(especially if you're following me, muahahaha), but you'll see it less frequently than #tcot
Moderate Usage
#xcot : refers to Christian Conservatives on Twitter.
Moderate Usage
#ocra : means Organized Conservative Resistance Alliance. This one is right up there with #tcot in terms of usage stats.
Very Heavy Usage
#teaparty: As the name implies, this is used during tea parties, or at other times on Twitter by conservatives.
Heavy Usage
#tlot: stands for Top Libertarians on Twitter: This one nearly rivals #tcot in terms of how much its used.
Very Heavy Usage
#sgp: stands for Smart Girl Politics, which is a conservative women's movement. If you're a chick, you should definitely check it out, and even if you belong to the other sex, it remains a great resource.
Heavy Usage
#hhrs: stands for the Hugh Hewitt show, and is often seen with many conservative tweets.
Heavy Usage
#iamthemob: This hashtag started after some Democrats in Congress labeled those protesting socialized medicine as a mob.
Moderate Usage
#tpot: stands for Top Patriots on Twitter.
Moderate Usage
#gop: This hashtag is usually used when tweeting about the Republican Party.
Very Heavy Usage
#twisters: Stands for Twitter Sisters.
Heavy Usage
#catcot: California Conservatives
Moderate Usage
#catcot: California Conservatives
Moderate Usage
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the hashtags used by conservatives on Twitter, but this covers most of those that I've seen. If you know of any others currently being used, please comment and I'll add them to the list. Now for a bonus part about a lib hashtag!
#p2 is used by progressives, so if you're looking for liberals to enlighten or infuriate(I know you would NEVER do that ), you should be able to find some there. Another way to find liberals is to simply look at @shoq 's Twitter feed.
Anyway, I hope you found the article useful, and if you have any more questions about Twitter, feel free to send me a message at @jedimaster_ops on Twitter.
God bless!
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