Fist Pump
Arizona signed its controversial immigration bill into law this week. Within a day or so, the main-stream media began running a story saying that illegal immigrants were leaving Arizona. Uh, DUH!! That's the point is it not?
Texas, Maryland, and Georgia have all voiced support towards crafting an immigration bill of their own similar to Arizona's. Meanwhile, Obama is fuming.
Its a good day!!
Hot Links:
Obama is losing the Jewish vote, BIG TIME.
The Muslims don't have to silence us, if we do it to ourselves.
Issue of the Month
ImmigrationIllegal immigration boils down to a single issue. Its about votes. Both parties have been courting the Hispanic vote for years, and as such, they've refused to pass any bill that actually does something about illegal immigration. Arizona finally got tired of this, and passed a bill of their own that actually DOES SOMETHING. We can't have that, can we! A state actually does what the federal government was supposed to be doing all these years, and they get slammed for it.
This is what 'amnesty' is about also. The heart of the issue isn't about the 'well-being' of the illegals. Its about votes for leftist politicians. If the illegals were 70-80% Republican, do you think the Democrats would be so interested in making them citizens?
Also, for those crying 'racist' at Arizona, this bill is supported by conservatives, liberals, blacks and whites, and by young people! Over 70% of the entire population supports it. If that wasn't enough, 60% of the national population supports the bill as well. Wow. Look at all the racists we have out there!!
Pro-illegal activists threatened to boycott Arizona products because of the immigration bill. One of the items they planned on boycotting was Arizona Iced Tea. The problem? Arizona tea is based in New York, not Arizona.
What the...
Iran threatens to jail women with sun tans. Top News Story the Media Says Isn't News
Puerto Rico Democracy Act.Most of the media ignored this, but yesterday Beck picked it up.
Basically, this bill would set up a rigged voting system that would force Puerto Rico into an unfair elective process. The process is slanted to make statehood the most appealing option.
That means votes, and judging from what we've seen in Puerto Rico, it means Democrat votes, which will turn into Democrat congressional seats.
Heritage gives the details here:–-legislation-biased-in-favor-of-statehood/
What Can I Do?
Contact your congressional leaders. Attend tea parties near you. Never stop praying for this country. We will triumph, but we cannot afford give up! We have everything to lose, and nothing to gain if we do. Take the time to get involved. Make a difference. America will rise from the ashes.