Cap and Trade, the backdoor tax plan.

| Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Waxman-Markey bill cleared the House on Friday by the narrowest of margins. It now will face the Senate. I could go into why the cap and trade system itself is flawed, but what it will do to the American consumer by design is an even greater problem. In short, it is simply a backdoor tax plan authored by liberals in the Democrat Party. This isn't a small tax increase either, its massive.

Heritage has studied this and reported that by 2035 these commodities would experience the following massive increases in price:
  • Gasoline prices by 58 percent
  • Natural gas prices by 55 percent
  • Home heating oil by 56 percent
  • Worst of all, electricity prices by 90 percent
Notice who this will hit the most...the middle and lower classes, the people the Democrat party always says its helping. The companies and major businesses, as is always the case when the rich are excessively taxed, won't be the ones suffering the most. They'll simply pass the tax increases on to the American consumer, typically your average middle-class citizen. The gas prices will rise because the oil companies have to pay the added tax mandated by Congress and supported by President Obama. To pay it, they will tack the extra price onto every gallon you buy. When the total costs and taxes are added up, an average family of four will pay nearly $3000 extra dollars per year because of the cap and trade system.
I personally believe that if this bill passes, it will be the death knell of our free market economy. Could we recover from it? Yes, but America shouldn't have to repeat the mistakes of all the other countries who tried cap and trade, and it didn't work for them.
Why do Democrats in Congress and the White House think it will work for us?

Contact your senators, and ask them to vote no on cap and trade.
Pray that they will not be pressured by liberal activists, the president, or their own party.

God bless you and God bless America.