Do We Have a Moral Obligation to Bankrupt America?

| Wednesday, November 11, 2009
We can debate Obamacare until we're blue in the face, but in reality, the truth is fairly obvious.
We are currently facing the bankruptcy of Medicare and Social Security, 2 government programs that as is usual with government programs, became impossible to adequately fund. So what is the solution put forward by the liberals in Congress? Let's make a LARGER government program to fix the previous two. This is their solution to everything! More money, more taxes, and inevitably, more government control. Forget about reforming the last 2 programs, let's just throw them away and make an even bigger one! The timing of the bill is pretty idiotic as well. Our economy isn't exactly booming right now, and we are continuing to field massive deficits every year. However, that doesn't seem to stop the liberals from trying to pass a bill that will add trillions of dollars of added debt onto our already struggling economy, not to mention putting many in the medical field out of work.

Of course, liberals try to defend this by citing how we have a "moral obligation" to pay for other people's health insurance. Do we also have a moral obligation to destroy the America we know and love?? That, is what all this will lead to. If this bill passes, we will have lost a huge chunk of our freedom and individual liberty, and no amount of "free healthcare" will be able to make up for it.

God bless you and God bless America


Anonymous said...

You are right. What good is a healthcare program if the country goes too bankrupt to do anybody (fit or sick) any good?

I read in Time Magazine that some Republican declared that if they could defeat Obamacare it would be Obama's Waterloo. Is that true? How close is it to being passed?

Just out of interest, is Obamacare the real name or just a good nickname?

I am doubtful that these ethical violation charges are racist. I think you need to take an innocent until proven guilty approach. Maybe if I looked into it, I would find them guilty. But you can't immediately declare that the only ongoing cases are against black politicians and no whites are being charged is racist. If that's the problem, then don't we have to charge some whites, even if they didn't do anything wrong, just "to keep the balance?" And when only whites are on trial, would we have to balance it out with innocent blacks? Of course, if there are whites breaking the law, and getting away with it, that's something else.

Unless the evidence shows otherwise, you are charged with a crime on the suspicion of doing something wrong, not on the colour of your skin.

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