This will basically be sorta like a "this month in review" column. This is my first one, and I would really appreciate your thoughts on it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I will comment on and share links about what's going on in current affairs. It'll be divided into sections, and titles, most of which should be pretty self evident in their meaning.
So without further ado, here's my first attempt. Hopefully its not downright dreadful.
*Fist Pump*
A few weeks ago, a group of Christian leaders including Chuck Colsen and Archibishop Donald Wuerl, called for civil disobedience if the government attempts to force them to accept laws regarding abortion and same sex marriage that betray their beliefs. They wrote and signed a 4,700 page document that has been called "The Manhattan Doctrine: A Call of Christian Conscience." This is encouraging in so many ways. First of all, we finally have Christians willing to take a stand against the blatant immorality that liberal politicians are attempting to legalize and incorporate into our culture. This is a really gutsy step on the part of these leaders. The other positive aspect about this is the unity that took place in the signing of this document. Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox leaders joined together in this. Christians put aside their doctrinal issues for what it really important. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and that rule applies to Christians as surely as it applies to anything else.
Issue of the Month
Healthcare is crucial, and will continue to be so, but I want to focus on Afghanistan this month. Obama, after months of waffling in indecision, finally announced his decision earlier this week. Essentially, Obama sets a withdrawal date in 2011(close to an election year, by the way), but increases our military force in the country by 30,000. In his speech, he made no mention of either defeating the Taliban, or capturing Bin Laden. Instead, he said the plan is to bring this war to a "successful conclusion". One of the goals he laid out was to "reverse the Taliban's momentum". Sadly, he didn't use the word "victory" once in his speech. I personally am not sure he even knows the meaning of the word. Maybe he's right about not using the word in his speech, because I very much doubt his plan will end in any type of victory whatsoever. That is, except for the Taliban.
What the...
A woman may be charged with a "Hate Crime" for TUGGING on a Muslim woman's head covering.
This isn't happening in Sudan , this is happening in Illinois!! Its happening in the United States of America!! As shocking as this story is, should we really be that surprised? The libs are in charge. Political correctness reigns supreme. You can't do anything remotely offensive to any minority or religious group unless they're Christians. Not only that, when you add on the fact that we have a Muslim president Muslim sympathizer in the White House, it makes a little more sense.Notice that this happened in Illinois, which just happens to be the location of Obama's previously held Senate seat. The link below is to the full news story.
Top News Story the Media Says Isn't News
Climategate: the exposure of the fraudulent theory of man-made global warming.
This story is simply tremendous. Its no less than the expose' of the man-made global warming scam, and the main-stream media as a whole has ignored it. Instead, the AP actually started running pro-global warming propoganda news stories around the same time this broke! Thankfully, its been picked up by the conservative media outlets, and the UK Telegraph posted a number of excellent pieces on the subject.. Its not like it used to be. We now have outlets like Fox, Newsmax, the Drudge Report, talk radio, etc. that allows the truth to be heard. There's a reason so many people are turning to those sources I just mentioned for their news coverage. Below is a link to one of the pieces on Climategate, and there is another related story in the Hot Links section below.
Hot Links:
Still think Islam is a religion of peace? Spend a few days visiting this site, and get back to me.
Scintillating columns, and laugh out loud conservative comedy is what you'll get from this guy. I made the switch to Crowder. Will you?
Climategate vrs. Watergate? British writer Damian Thompson absolutely destroys the main-stream media's difference in coverage of the 2 incidents in an epic news piece.
Go Here to see it.
What Can I Do?
An organization called Patients First has started a petition against Obamacare. You can sign it online!
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